


Winter League 2025

March 2, 2025 - 8:00pm

Are you and your pals looking for a fantAXEtic way to break up the last weeks of winter?  How about joining our Hatchet Throwing League?  With 6 nights of throwing and our 7th night potluck and awards banquet, you and your buds are guaranteed to have an AXEsome time.  Our league is super casual and for all skill levels. Teams of 2 compete Round Robin style for a $200 Stumpy's Gift Card and huge bragging rights.  During the season, league members also receive a 25% off discount for any walk-in sessions (except Friday & Saturday nights) to hone their skills. Ages 18+ are welcome and league members of legal drinking age are invited to BYOB (just no hard liquor please). Call us to join OR book through our reservations page under the Special Events Calendar. First night is Sunday 3/2/25 at 8PM with last night of competition on 4/13/25.

Lucky Shamrock Challenge

March 16, 2025 - 2PM to 10PM

Do you possess the Luck O' the Irish or the axe throwing skills of a Viking?  Either way you don't wanna miss this fun night.  Come in on 3/16/25 for a chance to win a $30 Stumpy's Gift Card.  All you have to do is hit a Lucky Clover (you get 5 throws & the blade has to be cutting through the clover) to win!  Book your throwing session tonight and get your free chance to win a gift card. Open to ages 18+.  Only at our Fall River location. BYOB for guests 21+ with valid ID.

Mom Throws for FREE on Mother’s Day

May 11, 2025 - 2:00PM to 10:00PM

Some moms love chilling out with a cup of tea and a good read, while others are all about seeking thrills and living on the wild side. If your mama's the adventurous type, then you've got to treat her to a bad ass throwing session on Mother's Day.  After all the day IS dedicated to showing mom your love and appreciation for everything she’s done—like all the times she wiped your butt and put up with your antics! To celebrate all the amazing mothers, we're giving away a free* throwing session and throwing in a gorgeous rose, because they totally deserve it! And since the day falls on a Sunday (our family day), mom's with kids aged 10-17 can come in for a LumbJack Jr. throwing session.  No alcohol allowed for these special family sessions- sorry mom.  Just book it in our Special Events Calendar. Everyone else can book a regular session for 18 and older and can BYOB (21+ with valid ID). *1-hour throwing session with 1 paid thrower OR a 2-hour throwing session with 5 paid throwers

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